What does the Future Hold? | Resurrection of a Dead Blog

Hello Everyone, it is me!  The Thinking Hound.

A couple of days ago, I uploaded a post for the first in 6 months!  In that blog post, which you should totally read HERE, explains what has happened in the past and why I abandoned life as a blogger for half a year.

And you know what happens when you do not post on your blog for 6 months?

Anyone?  Any guesses?

It DIES!  No content, no views, no comments, no community.  It all died.

However, I decided to wake from my slumber and return to this dead blog and give it CPR.  It has started to show signs of life, but has not fully revitalized to life yet.

So that is what this post is about.  What will I be doing this next year to bring breathe back to the lungs of this blog?

First, I am wanting to start blogging again as often as I can.  However, it is important to note that I am still super busy with college classes, so I will not be always the most active blog.  However, I do want to bring new and refreshing content to The Thinking Hound.

During my break, I learned that I should not be forced to make any content that I do not enjoy.  Not that I did not like what I was posting beforehand, but I felt like it was starting to turn into a routine.

This upcoming year, I may post twice a week or twice a month.  However, the quantity of what I post is not what I want to focus on, but rather, the quality and enjoyment that I have from my blog posts.

So in the year ahead, I want to write about what I want to write about and more importantly, have fun.  If I do not have fun writing a blog post, then there is no point for me to write it.

I have accepted an attitude of “I will do what I want”.  And I do not mean that in a selfish way or to be arrogant.  But rather, I feel that this blog should be an extension OF myself, not an extension FROM myself.

So overall, I am excited for the new year, but I also have no idea exactly what I will write about or how often I will write.  But what I do know, is that things are going to be different.

There is one idea that I have, that I think will be fun and enjoyable for me (and for you as well).  Lets just say, I may dip my toes into some philanthropy.  Stay tuned, I should post more information about that in the very near future.

It is great to be back and remember, do WLYF!

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